
# income distribution of the USA in 1968 (in 10 classes)
# x vector of class means, n vector of class frequencies
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
n <- c(482, 825, 722, 690, 661, 760, 745, 2140, 1911, 1024)
# compute minimal Lorenz curve (= no inequality in each group)
Lc.min <- Lc(x, n=n)
# compute maximal Lorenz curve (limits of Mehran)
Lc.max <- Lc.mehran(x,n)
# plot both Lorenz curves in one plot
lines(Lc.max, col=4)